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55 Burlesque Dancers Martini Glass

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Burlesque Dancers Martini Glass


In the world of burlesque, performers are always looking for unique and exciting ways to captivate their audience. One popular and visually stunning prop that has become synonymous with burlesque is the Martini glass. This article will delve into the history of the burlesque dancers Martini glass, its significance in the art form, and provide some tips for performers looking to incorporate this iconic prop into their acts.

History of the Martini Glass in Burlesque

The use of the Martini glass as a prop in burlesque can be traced back to the early 20th century. Burlesque shows were known for their extravagant and risqué performances, and the Martini glass became a symbol of sophistication and glamour. The glass itself represented luxury and indulgence, while the act of performing inside it added an element of seduction and playfulness.

The Significance of the Martini Glass

The Martini glass holds a special place in the world of burlesque because it embodies the spirit of the art form. Burlesque is all about taking classic, glamorous elements and adding a twist of humor and sensuality. The Martini glass perfectly encapsulates this idea, as it takes a common object and transforms it into a vessel for performance and self-expression.

Tips for Performing in a Burlesque Dancers Martini Glass

Selecting the Right Glass

When choosing a Martini glass for your performance, it's important to consider both style and practicality. Look for a glass that has an elegant shape and a stem that allows for stability. Avoid glasses with overly delicate stems that could easily break or tip over during your routine. It's also a good idea to select a glass that is transparent, as this will enhance the visual impact of your act.

Adding Water or Props

One way to elevate your Martini glass act is by adding water or props to the glass. Filling the glass with water can create beautiful reflections and add an extra layer of visual interest. You can also consider adding props such as oversized cocktail olives or a sparkling stir stick to further enhance the theme of your act.

Practicing Safety Measures

Performing in a Martini glass can be physically demanding and potentially dangerous if not done properly. It's essential to practice safety measures to ensure a smooth and accident-free performance. This includes rehearsing your routine in the actual glass you will be performing in to familiarize yourself with its dimensions and stability. Additionally, be mindful of your movements and avoid any sudden or jerky motions that could cause the glass to tip over.

Creating a Choreography

A well-choreographed routine is key to a successful Martini glass performance. Take the time to plan out your movements and transitions, making sure to utilize the space inside the glass effectively. Consider incorporating elements of burlesque such as striptease, fan dancing, or feather boa manipulation to add an extra layer of sensuality and entertainment.

Costuming and Props

When it comes to costuming for a Martini glass act, the possibilities are endless. You can opt for classic burlesque attire such as corsets, stockings, and feather fascinators, or get creative with themed costumes that tie into the concept of the act. Props such as oversized Martini glasses, cocktail shakers, or a miniature bar setup can also help to set the scene and add visual interest to your performance.

Engaging with the Audience

One of the key elements of a successful burlesque performance is the ability to connect with the audience. When performing in a Martini glass, it's important to engage with the audience through eye contact, flirtatious gestures, and playful interactions. This will create a sense of intimacy and make your act all the more captivating.


The burlesque dancers Martini glass is a captivating prop that has become an iconic symbol of the art form. Its history, significance, and tips for performing with it have been explored in this article. Whether you're an aspiring burlesque performer or simply a fan of the art form, the Martini glass act is sure to leave you mesmerized and entertained.