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50 âメリカ áら ɨ本 ãガキ

ハガキ 英語 書き方 197806はがき 英語 書き方
ハガキ 英語 書き方 197806はがき 英語 書き方 from


Welcome to our blog! In today's article, we will be discussing a fascinating topic that combines two cultures: the United States and Japan. Specifically, we will be exploring the tradition of sending postcards, known as ハガキ (hagaki) in Japan, from the United States to Japan. This unique practice allows individuals to connect with loved ones, share experiences, and showcase beautiful destinations through the art of postcards. Join us as we delve into the history, significance, and tips for sending postcards from the United States to Japan.

1. History of Postcards

1.1 Origins of Postcards

The concept of sending written messages through postcards dates back to the mid-19th century. The first postcard-like cards were produced in Austria in 1869, followed by Germany and the United States in the early 1870s. These early postcards were primarily used for advertising purposes or as souvenir cards.

1.2 Evolution of Postcards in Japan

In Japan, the history of postcards can be traced back to the late 19th century. The Japanese government issued its first official postcards, known as "meishi hagaki," in 1873. These postcards were initially used for official government communications but quickly gained popularity among the general public.

1.3 Popularity of Postcards in the United States

Postcards became increasingly popular in the United States during the early 20th century. The introduction of the "divided back" postcard in 1907, which allowed both a message and an address to be written on the back, further fueled their popularity. Postcards became a popular means of communication, especially for travelers and tourists.

2. Significance of Sending Postcards

2.1 Connection and Personal Touch

Sending postcards from the United States to Japan provides a unique way to connect with loved ones across continents. The act of selecting a postcard, writing a personalized message, and mailing it creates a personal touch that cannot be replicated through digital means. It allows for a tangible connection in an increasingly digital world.

2.2 Cultural Exchange

Postcards also serve as a medium for cultural exchange. By sending postcards from the United States to Japan, individuals can share their experiences, showcase landmarks, and highlight cultural aspects of both countries. It offers an opportunity to learn and appreciate different traditions, customs, and perspectives.

2.3 Souvenirs and Memories

Postcards can act as tangible souvenirs and cherished memories. They capture a moment in time and serve as a reminder of a specific place, event, or sentiment. By sending postcards, individuals can share a piece of their journey and create lasting memories for both the sender and the recipient.

3. Tips for Sending Postcards

3.1 Selecting the Right Postcard

When sending postcards from the United States to Japan, it is essential to select the right postcard. Look for postcards that showcase iconic landmarks, natural beauty, or cultural elements of the United States. This allows the recipient to experience a glimpse of the sender's location.

3.2 Writing a Thoughtful Message

Take the time to write a thoughtful message on the postcard. Share your thoughts, experiences, or simply let the recipient know that you are thinking of them. Keep in mind that postcards have limited space, so it is important to be concise yet meaningful in your message.

3.3 Including Relevant Cultural References

Incorporating relevant cultural references can add a personal touch to the postcard. For example, if you are sending a postcard from New York, you may mention the Statue of Liberty or Broadway shows. These references can spark curiosity and interest in the recipient, fostering a deeper connection.

3.4 Mailing Considerations

Ensure that you have the correct mailing address and sufficient postage before sending the postcard. Postage rates may vary depending on the size and weight of the postcard. It is also advisable to check the local postal service guidelines for any specific requirements or restrictions.

3.5 Timing and Delivery

Consider the timing and delivery when sending postcards. International mail may take longer to arrive, so plan accordingly. If you are sending postcards for a specific occasion or event, such as a birthday or holiday, allow ample time for the postcard to reach its destination.

4. Cultural Etiquette

4.1 Respect Local Customs

When sending postcards from the United States to Japan, it is important to respect local customs and etiquette. Familiarize yourself with the cultural norms of Japan to ensure that your postcard is received and appreciated in a respectful manner.

4.2 Use Polite Language

Japanese culture places a strong emphasis on politeness and respect. Use polite language and honorifics when writing your message on the postcard. Simple phrases such as "お元気ですか" (How are you?) and "お世話になっています" (Thank you for everything) can go a long way in showing respect.

4.3 Mindful of Symbols and Images

Be mindful of symbols and images when selecting or creating postcards. Certain symbols or images may hold different meanings or significance in Japanese culture. Avoid using images that may be considered offensive or disrespectful.

4.4 Avoid Sensitive Topics

Avoid sensitive topics or controversial discussions in your postcard message. Keep the tone positive, light-hearted, and focused on sharing experiences or well wishes. Remember that the purpose of the postcard is to connect and share joy.


Sending postcards from the United States to Japan is a beautiful tradition that allows individuals to connect, share experiences, and foster cultural exchange. Through the art of postcards, we can bridge the distance between two countries and create lasting memories. So the next time you embark on a journey, don't forget to send a postcard from the United States to Japan!