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45 CuáN Gloriosa Será La MañAna Himno



In the realm of hymns and sacred music, there are certain pieces that have stood the test of time, resonating deeply with believers throughout the ages. One such hymn is "Cuán Gloriosa Será la Mañana" - a powerful and uplifting composition that captures the beauty and anticipation of the morning of Christ's return. In this article, we will explore the origins, meaning, and significance of this hymn, delving into its rich theological themes and the impact it continues to have on worshippers today.

Origins of "Cuán Gloriosa Será la Mañana"

Like many hymns, the origins of "Cuán Gloriosa Será la Mañana" can be traced back to a specific composer and a particular moment in history. Written by Haldor Lillenas, a renowned hymn writer and pastor, this hymn was first published in 1921 in the United States. Lillenas, known for his evocative and heartfelt compositions, sought to capture the hope and joy Christians have in the promise of Christ's return.

The Inspiration Behind the Hymn

Lillenas drew inspiration from biblical passages that speak of the second coming of Christ, such as Revelation 22:20, which says, "He who testifies to these things says, 'Surely I am coming soon.'" This verse, along with other scriptural references, fueled Lillenas' creative process and led to the creation of "Cuán Gloriosa Será la Mañana."

Theological Themes Explored

One of the reasons why "Cuán Gloriosa Será la Mañana" has resonated so deeply with believers is its exploration of profound theological themes. Let us now delve into some of these themes and the impact they have on the worshipper:

The Second Coming of Christ

At the heart of this hymn is the anticipation of Christ's return. The lyrics paint a vivid picture of the glorious morning when Jesus will come again, bringing eternal joy and restoration to His people. This theme stirs within believers a sense of hope and expectancy, reminding them that their ultimate redemption is drawing near.

The Triumph of the Church

"Cuán Gloriosa Será la Mañana" also celebrates the triumph of the Church over sin and death. It proclaims the victory of Christ and His followers, emphasizing that the morning of His return will mark the culmination of God's redemptive plan. This theme inspires worshippers to persevere in their faith, knowing that their labor is not in vain and that a glorious future awaits them.

Heavenly Homecoming

Another key theme in this hymn is the idea of a heavenly homecoming. The lyrics speak of believers being reunited with loved ones who have gone before them, as well as the joy of being in the presence of God for all eternity. This theme offers comfort and solace to those who long for the day when they will be united with their heavenly family.

The Impact of "Cuán Gloriosa Será la Mañana"

Over the years, "Cuán Gloriosa Será la Mañana" has had a profound impact on worshippers around the world. Here are a few ways in which this hymn continues to touch the hearts and lives of believers:

A Source of Hope

This hymn serves as a source of hope for believers, especially during difficult times. Its powerful imagery and uplifting melody remind worshippers that their present struggles are temporary and that a glorious future awaits them in Christ's presence. This message of hope has provided solace and encouragement to countless individuals throughout history.

An Expression of Worship

"Cuán Gloriosa Será la Mañana" has become a beloved hymn of worship, with its lyrics offering praise and adoration to God. By singing this hymn, believers express their love for the Savior and their longing for His return. It serves as a reminder of the central role that worship plays in the life of a Christian, inviting individuals to enter into a deeper communion with God.

A Call to Action

Furthermore, this hymn serves as a call to action for believers. It stirs within them a desire to live in light of Christ's imminent return, urging them to live lives of holiness and purpose. The lyrics challenge worshippers to reflect on their priorities, to share the hope they have in Christ, and to eagerly anticipate the day when all things will be made new.


"Cuán Gloriosa Será la Mañana" stands as a testament to the enduring power of hymns and sacred music. Through its beautiful lyrics and timeless melody, this hymn continues to inspire and uplift believers, pointing them towards the hope and joy found in Christ's imminent return. As worshippers sing these words, they join a chorus of believers throughout history, eagerly awaiting the glorious morning when Christ will come again.